NCIS™ allows you to search against a world-class nat-crim file built on a proprietary database compiled from multiple sources: court records; incarceration records; prison and inmate records; probation, parole, and release data; arrest data; and more. CRAs can adjust hundreds of filters to customize each nat-crim search to their specifications, increasing accuracy and efficiency.
Compared to competing nat-crim files, NCIS contains fresher records, more flexible search filtering, and a powerful algorithm that reduces administrative workload.
Leverage hundreds of adjustable filters and toggles.
Probability matching and scoring evaluates name variations, improving search accuracy.
New public records are added to the database in 24 hours or less.
See our most up-to-date source list at any time.
Combine our nat-crim search with our industry leading SSN Trace, FACT™, using our nat-crim alias solution.
NCIS-Alias reveals maiden names, nicknames, aliases, addresses, and dates of birth; these new data points are then automatically searched through our proprietary NCIS databases.
Reach out today if you’re interested in implementing NCIS.