Continuity of Benefits

Improve benefit administration among the justice-involved population

Improve Access to Benefits and Reduce Recidivism

Our Incarceration Intelligence™ solution provides data across the incarceration lifecycle, helping agencies ensure continuity of benefits, and successful post-incarceration transitions.

Previously incarcerated individuals face many personal and institutional challenges to successfully integrate back into society. Several social service agencies play a direct role in this transition.

In each of these cases, access to incarceration data is key. Incarceration Intelligence empowers agencies to better serve their justice-involved population without substantial investments in staff, training, and new workflows.

A business woman is pointing where the husband should sign while his son and wife are looking as well

Incarceration Intelligence Helps Social Service Agencies Do More with Less

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Reinstate benefits upon release and ensure uninterrupted physical and mental health treatment.
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Expedite re-enrollment upon release, decreasing application processing time.
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Child Support

Assist agencies in their determinations to modify obligations for incarcerated non-custodial parents, reducing uncollectible debt.

Near Real-time Monitoring of New Incarceration Activity

Through Incarceration Intelligence, agencies are able to monitor target populations for incarceration activity. Notifications on booking help agencies prevent entitlement fraud, while notifications on release can trigger processes that help regain access to benefits.

The solution gives agencies access to timely data through a single information source. Automatically monitor specific populations, such as Medicaid beneficiaries, hard-to-locate non-custodial parents, and SNAP/TANF beneficiaries with the help of a single solution.

The TotalVerify™ data hub from Equifax contains an incarceration database that allows for alerts on the following:

  • Booking into an incarceration facility
  • Serving a certain length of stay (e.g., 6 months)
  • Release from an incarceration facility
A man sitting at a desk taking notes from his laptop
get in touch

Programs Supporting Continuity of Benefits Are Available

Reach out to us, and we’ll get you in touch with a channel partner who can help you.