Improve health outcomes, ensure continuity of care, increase efficiencies, and reduce the cost of care for justice-involved beneficiaries.
Our Incarceration Intelligence™ solution gives Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) access to accurate and near real-time data, positively affecting continuity, quality, and cost of care for justice-involved beneficiaries. This solution is the only health data product for Medicaid MCO operators and clinical care coordinators that addresses the impact of the justice-involved, providing data and notifications relevant to social determinants of health, supporting health equity goals, while saving time and resources.
Compared to the general population, justice-involved populations are at an increased risk of negative health outcomes. Many of those incarcerated require a variety of ongoing behavioral and physical health services to address these issues and strengthen community care.
Medicaid payments can be suspended or terminated when beneficiaries become incarcerated and reinstated upon release--preventing overpayments and lapses in care.
Our data reduces cost of care for Medicaid beneficiaries by highlighting the costly justice-involved population among your membership. Proactive outreach to members who have recently been incarcerated drives cost savings. When members are referred to appropriate primary care doctors for mental illness or substance abuse disorders instead of showing up in emergency rooms, the cost of care is substantially reduced, and recidivism can be prevented.
With Incarceration Intelligence, justice-involved Medicaid members will experience improved quality of care and quality of life.
Having access to incarceration data can help differentiate your organization. It will enable you to meet requests for proposals (RFPs) and state requirements to serve justice-involved individuals.
Using our Incarceration Intelligence, MCOs can monitor target populations as they move in and out of incarceration. Timely notifications upon booking can help MCOs identify and coordinate care for justice-involved individuals prior to release. Get immediate alerts on the following: